Ostara Arrives

As the spring equinox approaches, many people around the world celebrate the arrival of Ostara, a pagan festival that marks the rebirth of nature and the renewal of life. Today, there is great news from the Farm of Eternal Spring Church as two new lambs were born, heralding the true arrival of Ostara.

The birth of these two lambs is significant because they symbolize the renewal of life and the promise of abundance. According to pagan beliefs, Ostara is a time of fertility and growth, where the land is renewed and new life emerges from the earth. The birth of these two lambs is a perfect example of this, as they represent the new life that is being born here on the farm.

The Farm of Eternal Spring Church is a unique place, where people come together to celebrate the cycles of nature and honor the Earth. The farm is home to many animals, including sheep, chickens, and pigs, and it is a place of great joy and wonder. The birth of these two lambs is just one example of the magic that happens at the farm, and it is a reminder of the beauty and power of nature.

For those who celebrate Ostara, the birth of these two lambs is a sign that the festival has truly arrived. It is a time to honor the earth and the cycles of nature, and to recognize the power and beauty of the natural world. As the days grow longer and the weather grows warmer, people around the world will celebrate Ostara in their own way, with feasts, rituals, and other activities that honor the rebirth of nature.

The birth of two new lambs on the Farm of Eternal Spring Church is a powerful symbol of the arrival of Ostara. It is a time of renewal and rebirth, and a time to honor the cycles of nature and the power of the earth. As we celebrate this festival, let us remember the beauty and magic of the natural world, and let us strive to live in harmony with the earth and all its creatures.