Tag: festival

  • Pagan Pride, July 29, 2023 coupeville

    Saturday, July 29, Coupeville Town Park, 6-12 Front St NW, 930-430 pmFree admission, public welcomed Join us in supporting Coupeville’s Gifts from the Heart food bank by participating in our food drive. We kindly request that you contribute non-perishable items, as you are able. A donation box will be conveniently placed in the kitchen area…

  • Samhain Psychic Fair, 10/30, 10-4 pm

    Samhain Psychic Fair, 10/30, 10-4 pm

    Excited to formally announce our faire. Readings available for purchase from vendors. Plan to mingle and stay for a few hours. Samhain alter will be setup with Mirror Meditation activities. Samhain is a liminal or threshold festival, when the boundary between this world and the Otherworld thinned, meaning the Aos Sí (the ‘spirits’ or ‘fairies’)…